
Honoring and Celebrating Black History

From my perspective as a Black gay man, I understand that assaults on Black history impact me personally, extending beyond mere political issues. The distortion of Dr. King's legacy, along with the diminishing of the struggles faced by Black Americans, serves to undermine my personal identity and experiences. The forces attempting to eliminate Black history are the same forces that seek to erase LGBTQ+ history, as my identity exists at the intersection of racial discrimination and anti-LGBTQ+ prejudice. The Black and LGBTQ+ communities must unite to protect our shared heritage and promote justice and equality for all.

What College Leaders Are Saying About Trump’s Directive on Race and DEI

College leaders remain challenged by the consequences of this letter.  Two weeks is insufficient time to fully evaluate and make necessary changes to sophisticated policies and programs.  Potential funding reductions create substantial pressure.  I want to understand how colleges will handle these changes and their eventual impact on campus diversity. According to this letter, the Department of Education has  significantly changed its stance on race-conscious policies. The expedited timeline reveals that they plan to implement their interpretation forcefully. Legal challenges against this letter remain uncertain as debates surround race-conscious approaches in higher education. Achieving institutional diversity without referencing race is a substantial policy difficulty.

House Budget Proposal Hurts Millions of People to Pay for Still More Breaks for the Rich

Now is the time to tell Congress to vote against the budget resolution.   Tell them to oppose the budget resolution and any other legislation that would cut Medicaid because seniors will be harmed.  Use this call-in line to reach your member of Congress:   866-426-2631.

Enhancing San Jacinto's Resilience to Climate Change Impacts

San Jacinto City Council 595 S San Jacinto Ave  San Jacinto, CA. 92583 Dear Members of the San Jacinto City Council,  I am writing to express my concerns about the increasing threat of climate change and its potential impacts on our community, particularly in light of recent devastating wildfires and extreme weather events across California, including the significant losses experienced in Los Angeles County, as highlighted in a recent article . This article discussed the formation of the LA County Blue Ribbon Commission on Climate Action and Fire Safe Recovery, which underscores the urgency of proactive measures to protect our communities.  Like many other areas in California, San Jacinto faces risks related to wildfire, drought, and extreme heat. Our city must proactively mitigate these risks and enhance our resilience to climate c...

Fighting for justice in public policy, and in our society.

Trump hasn’t even been in office for two weeks and he, Vice President Vance, and their extremist enablers have already wreaked havoc on our political system—with lawless efforts to execute the white supremacist, misogynistic, and racist plans they laid out in their Project 2025 playbook. We can’t be complacent.

A Climate Plan for San Jacinto: Building a Sustainable Future

San Jacinto, situated in Riverside County, California, faces a range of climate-related challenges, including extreme heat, wildfires, drought, and air pollution. To address these issues and create a more sustainable future, our community must implement a comprehensive climate plan. The plan should prioritize both mitigation and adaptation strategies. Mitigation efforts aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to slow climate change. This can be achieved through the promotion of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and by improving energy efficiency in homes, businesses, and public buildings. Additionally, encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles and expanding charging infrastructure can contribute to emissions reduction. Adaptation strategies focus on preparing for and responding to the impacts of climate change. These include water conservation measures, emergency preparedness plans, urban forestry initiatives, and infrastructure upgrades to enhance resilience...

New Southern California rule would require dramatic reduction in rail yard pollution

New Southern California rule would require dramatic reduction in rail yard pollution - Trains