Criminal justice backlash heads to the California ballot
Criminal justice backlash heads to the California ballot There's debate about the effectiveness of Prop 47. Supporters argue it reduced recidivism rates and helped people reintegrate into society. Opponents argue it led to an increase in property crime. Pros: Lower recidivism: Whether because Prop 47 allowed people convicted of nonviolent property and drug crimes to avoid much of the stigmatization of a felony record – and the barriers to employment and housing that go along with it – or for other reasons, advocates contend that Prop 47 itself reduced recidivism. Potential for enhanced rehabilitation: A significant aspect of Prop 47 is its commitment to redirecting savings into rehabilitation programs. This strategic move could potentially address the root causes of crime, shifting the focus from punitive measures to proactive prevention, a perspective that could have far-reaching positive effects. Also, Prop 47 lowered prison crowding by freeing people who were in prison for ...