What are the effects of migration on community infrastructure?
Riverside County's growing immigrant population means it faces both the demands and benefits of migration from social services. Increased Demand for Services: A quarter of Riverside County’s immigrant population likely qualifies for CalWORKs/TANF, overburdening the program’s budget alongside California’s high participation rates. Medi-Cal is one of the chief sources of health coverage for the region's poor, and undocumented immigrants tend to rely heavily on Medi-Cal. This can stretch the program's resources, leaving lines longer than they would be and possibly limiting the availability of some treatments. With the rising cost of living, more families in Riverside County, including those with immigrant family members, may need assistance covering their food expenses through CalFresh (food stamps). This program will be even more stretched, and over-demand likely would make it more difficult for eligible members to receive the full benefit. The increase in migration has...