Standing Guard: Protecting Our Elders in an Uncertain World

Every year, on 15 June, we commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). It’s another reminder of our older population’s unique vulnerabilities, especially this year, with its theme ‘Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies.’ Our parents and grandparents built the world we inhabit and should be revered and nurtured—but they are frequently exploited by scams, abused, and neglected. Why Be Vigilant? It can be a function of our physical or cognitive deterioration as we age, making us more vulnerable to exploitation, less able to detect it, and less likely to overcome it. Isolation, also a common condition of the elderly, can be a contributing factor. Here's what we can do: Stay in Touch: Conduct regular check-ins over the phone, in person, or via email. Listen to the person and pick up the phone if his or her mood or behavior has changed. Educate: Openly discuss scams and fraudulent behavior of all sorts. Ensure they are suspicious of strangers who make unsolicited phone calls, emails, or visits. Many helpful resources are available online and from local organizations, enabling them to stay independent for as long as possible through activities stimulating their minds and bodies. Know the Symptoms: Recognize the warning signs of abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation, such as money missing or unexplained, bruises on the skin, withdrawals from normal social activities, or incontinence. Resources and Support: Many organizations support seniors and their families. Here are some links to get you started: National Center on Elder Abuse Eldercare Locator AARP Fraud Watch Network Building a Safety Net Taking care of our parents—and, in many cases, other older relatives—should concern all of us. We need to be vigilant, keep on top of the issue, and seek out help whenever we feel it is necessary. This way, we can all help create a net that will make seniors as safe as they can possibly be. Remember, even small acts of vigilance can make a big difference. So, let us all stand guard over them, and let our elders live out their days in safety and dignity. #WEAAD #ProtectOurElders


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