Louisiana Congressional Redistricting Challenge

Case: Callais et al v. Landry

  • Court: US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana
  • Case Number: 3:2024cv00122
  • Filed: January 31, 2024

Plaintiffs: Twelve white Mississippians

Defendant: Nancy Landry

Issue: Whether Louisiana's newly enacted congressional map violates the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. The plaintiffs allege the map is a racial gerrymander that dilutes the voting strength of white voters.

Status: A consolidated preliminary injunction hearing and trial is scheduled for April 8-10, 2024 (today!). This means the court will decide whether to temporarily block the use of the map while the lawsuit proceeds.

The Louisiana State Conference of the NAACP and several other individuals and organizations have sought to intervene in the case to defend the map.

This case stems from a previous lawsuit, Robinson v. Ardoin, where the court found Louisiana's original congressional map violated the Voting Rights Act. The new map was drawn in response to that decision.

Here are some resources where you can find more information about the case:

The American Redistricting Project: Callais v. Landry - The American Redistricting Project: thearp.org

American Civil Liberties Union: https://www.aclu.org/cases/callais-v-landry

Justia Dockets: Callais et al v. Landry 3:2024cv00122 | US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana: dockets.justia.com

Loyola Law School: Callais v. Landry - All About Redistricting: redistricting.lls.edu

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